Eccles Street, h84.5 x w111 cms
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Eccles Street
This print encompasses the area in
Dublin from Glasnevin Cemetery in the north west, the scene of ‘Hades’ in
Ulysses, to Connolly Station (formerly Amiens Street Station), and ‘Nighttown’‚
reputedly the largest red-light district in the British Empire and the location
for Bella Cohan’s brothel in the ‘Circe’ episode, in the south east. Included
among the references to Ulysses are No. 7 Eccles Street, the fictional home of Leopold
and Molly Bloom (now the site of the
Mater Private Hospital) and Bloom on his way to buy a kidney at Dlugacz’s
butchers and returning to No. 7 with Stephen Dedalus from the cab-man’s
shelter. There are a wide variety of
drawing styles including cartographic ‘quotes’ and extracts from 19th and
20th - century maps.
Phoenix Park The Quays O'Connell St. Loop Bridge Eccles Street Coastline Howth